Recently I was amused and touched by an enthusiastic iPhone 14 Pro review.
The reviewer is my go-to person if I want to catch up on the latest iPhone features.
His reviews are usually deep on technical specs but also very vividly related to user applications.
The boy did such a passionate one on the phone, as you can imagine from a raving Apple fan! 🤣🤣
He concluded the review with shining eyes and deep admiration🤣:
Apple doesn't innovate for innovation itself.
Everything was well planned!
A technique or design that emerges as new often represents a direction for several years ahead.
During these many years, last year's experience provides feedback for iteration this year;
This year's for improvements next year---- With this accumulation, a technology or a feature achieves its excellence. 👍
Apple is not distracted by the competition, nor is it in a hurry to be the first to introduce all the features.
Apple rolls products/features out only when these reach its own standard.
Apple, in a league of its own, has been only focusing on surpassing itself, with pace.
I guess the arrogant portion may be a bit annoying. 😅
The part that touched me was, it reinforces the concepts of ’planning’ and ‘growth mindset/action patterns’.
People who adopted these could tell the very positive impact and the power experienced...
Nice to see your sharing.