Running Camel as an entrepreneur, got me to pick up the thinking that i didn’t touch frequently before.
For starting up a business, generally, you identify a problem/pain that your potential customers have; and you have a solution to solve the pain at ROI of 10x + to the customers, or your solution is at least 10 times better than the market alternatives. Otherwise, it’s said not worthwhile to start it.
The foundation to this is that we can stand in customers’ shoes and deliver value (pain killer) to them to solve their issues.
For the marketing /sales professionals, this is also fundamental to all their campaigns.
I began to realize why those top sales are usually the ones that you feel easy and nice to talk with.
Yet how many times we also received the outreach from some salespeople on their product/services, and in the end we put them into the black list?
Or people were so eager to push you to accept their upselling of longer-time service or more products when they hadn’t even demonstrated much value to you at all?
The KPIs or incentive programs behind these could be questioned. Or mindsets as well.
Then this gets back to the point:
How do we build up empathy with potential customers/the target market and deliver value?
The short article from the link below is an excellent guide.
This is something i hope to remind myself constantly as well, don’t get into the easy tendency to talk me - my - I but more standing in customers’ shoes, and see if we could and how we could really deliver the value/solution.